Upcoming events that should include responsible data

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Event name Where? When? Why?
Technology Affinity Group (TAG) - regional conference (US-focused) Annual (November)
International Conference of Crisis Mappers Annual (November) Crowd-sourced crisis data with little oversight/considerations
International Anti-Corruption Conference (not sure when?) Because we should be able to catch the big powerful bad guys without exposing the powerless
Global Investigative Journalism (GIJ) conferences Because journalists + computers can be great or terrifying (they lose interest and stop securing data)
NICAR (National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting
Open Development Conference Amsterdam Oct 9-10 Run session on responsible development data guide v1
Power Reporting Conference Johannesburg (Wits University) Yearly (Oct-Nov) Gathering of (African) journalists on emerging trends/issues
Rightscom Manila/San Francisco Yearly, March 2015 Human rights and technology
Point Conference Sarajevo or Balkans May (yearly) Accountability, transparency and tech
ONA (...what...?) [citation needed]
Knight News Conferences Civic Media/Data journalism
Wikimania Mexico City 2015 - August? Completionists and historians, _not_ archivists. Fascinating
Inter Action Forum (Development in the USA) Washington DC Yearly (April) All US-based INGOs and development organisations (government etc)
Random Hacks of Kindness + SpaceApps + National Day of Civic Hacking Global April, June, December People developing tools for engagement
Transparency Camp, Sunlight Foundation Washington DC Yearly (May)
Digital Labor Conference New School, New York City November 14-16, 2014 Critical about crowdsourcing platforms and 'sharing economy' as models for the future of labour.
Open Data Camp New Delhi 11/15/2014 Discussing national open data policy
GNOB hackathons
MedĂŠcins sans Frontieres' Annual General Assemblies, RC/RC summits Loud voice, distributed, influential, (sometimes) clueless
AWID (Association for Women in Development) 2015
CIVICUS forum South Africa Yearly (November)
Mozfest London 28 October (?)
IGF global meeting Annual [TW: not sure what this says]
Transmediale Berlin Berlin January 28 - February 2 (ish) This year this media art festival is all about data gathering, quantified self etc. Critical venue, worth engaging
Personal Democracy Forum - Central and Eastern Europe Warsaw April 2015
Datakind Data Dives NYC, Dublin, UK, Singapore, Bangkok, Washington DC, San Francisco, Bangalore Often (check online) Organisations and volunteers can apply responsible data practices in them
Citizen Cyberspace Summit London, San Jose (2015) February 2015
BOND (British NGOs organisation) Annual Forum London Not sure, every year All British NGOs and development organisations
Mobiles for Development (with FHI 360) Washington DC/New York September 25-26 (DC), October (NYC) This event tracks changes in technology for development