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The output is a decision tree. Start with the first question and work through all the main and sub-questions:
Do you want to make a data vis? Start with step 1.
Or do you want to change the world? Start with step 4.

1. Do you just want to mess around with some data, learn a new programming language or tool? If yes: Stop reading, have fun! Go to step 10.
Or do you want to achieve something that could change the world? Then:

2. We assume that you already have an idea or at least a data set in mind (aka "sketch implementation"). What would happen if you would publish this data vis? What would be the best possible outcome (aka "sketch sub-goal")?

3. Assuming your objective was reached, what would be your next objective? What comes after success? Repeat that question and find all your sub-goals until can't get higher and find your...

4. MISSION – the big picture

  • First, get into the right mindset to formulate your big mission: Assume success! [Here, success stories from other people might be helpful]
  • If you could achieve anything, what would it be?
  • What is your vision? What would be the best possible outcome of your project?
  • [what are other questions for that step?]

5. SUB-GOALS: Breaking down your big mission into smaller goals

  • What are your sub-goals?
  • What are some measurable objectives? [does that question belong here or to step 6 or 7?]
  • [what are other questions for that step?]

6. ACTIONS: Translating the sub-goals into actionable steps.

  • What do you want people to do?
  • What is your action you hope happens – physical & visible?
  • What steps come after the distribution of information? [does that question belong here or to step 9?]
  • [what are other questions for that step?]

7. STRATEGY: Asking HOW the actions should be achieved

  • Who is the audience? Who has the power to implement your goal? What do they care about?
  • How will your action reach the right people?
  • How can you measure the action? Number of calls? People in attendance?
  • Does a strategy already exist? What are other organisations / people doing that align with your effort? How can you work together?
  • How driven are you regarding technical problems vs. social problems? Could you benefit from a collaboration with somebody on the other side?
  • [what are other questions for that step?]

8. Will a data vis support the success of your action? Can you NOT think of any more effective way to make that action successful? If no, abort! (aka implement another strategy). If yes, go to...

9. IMPLEMENTATION: Creating your data vis

  • How should your data vis look like?
  • Is the data you have, the data you need? Does your data align with your goals?
  • What are assumptions and biases in your data? *
  • Are all the available data points important to support the success of your action?
  • What is the style / form / medium for your data vis your audience would respond to best?
  • If you would be your audience, would you be convinced by your data vis?
  • [what are other questions for that step?]

10. FINAL DATA VIS Nice, you've made it! Now test the impact of your data vis and evaluate with step 4, your mission.



Personas, use cases, context

The audience for that decision model are

  1. people who are interested in the field of data visualisation (because yeah, numbers, or because it looks neat), but don't know how to USE their skills for something important.
  2. people in organisations who've heart of data vis and think it's the solution to ALL their problems and want to commission one RIGHT NOW.

Next steps

  1. We should think of more questions, especially for step 9.
  2. We should play through the decision tree with at least three examples for both starting points, to test if the questions make sense or if we need to merge steps. It would also be great if we could write down one or two examples, so that new people understand better how that decision tree can work / serve them.


  • John Emerson @backspace
  • Steve Lambert @SteveLambert
  • Lisa Charlotte Rost @lisacrost

Resources (we <3 links!)