What are we talking about? Pilots, or another way to put it, closed-loop iteration. Sometimes "pilots" are where projects go to die.
What are we talking about? Pilots, or another way to put it, closed-loop iteration. Sometimes "pilots" are where projects go to die.
What's the diff between feedback and pilots? Pilot includes the audience for which the resource is created.
What is the criteria for needing more iteration?
What is the criteria for needing more iteration?
What are some of the channels and mechanisms that a group like this could use for this pilot process? For each Buda output, we need description, audience, sign-up list (commitment to pilot). Here are some steps to think about. How can there be support around these piloting processes, and for those who are trying to use the resource? From this event, the process is something like: participants here agree to take the resources and contribute a first test and iteration.  
What are some of the channels and mechanisms that a group like this could use for this pilot process? For each Buda output, we need description, audience, sign-up list (commitment to pilot). Here are some steps to think about. How can there be support around these piloting processes, and for those who are trying to use the resource? From this event, the process is something like: participants here agree to take the resources and contribute a first test and iteration.  
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: MWExceptionHandler::rollbackMasterChangesAndLog(): Argument #1 ($e) must be of type Exception, Error given, called in /domains/responsibledata.io/wiki/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php on line 137 and defined in /domains/responsibledata.io/wiki/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php:111 Stack trace: #0 /domains/responsibledata.io/wiki/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php(137): MWExceptionHandler::rollbackMasterChangesAndLog(Object(Error)) #1 [internal function]: MWExceptionHandler::handle(Object(Error)) #2 {main} thrown in /domains/responsibledata.io/wiki/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php on line 111