From Responsible Data Wiki
Revision as of 21:56, 15 January 2016 by Jschwabish (Talk | contribs)
Description of a minimum viable product, aspirational output, stretch goals, etc.
Culture (producers and consumers)
Possible Outputs
- Cultural checklist or guide
- Mentorship program (physical/virtual meetup space)
- Human-centered design for dataviz
- Manifesto
- Active discussion tool/platform (wiki?)
- Open source tools
- “The Manifesto of the Missing People”
- kids, African, Asian, etc.
- here is the list of people who are not here
- how do we start to include them?
- Resources of/for people who have agreed to abide by it
- “I’ve agreed to commit to this as part of my practice”
- Tap into featured people who are already in the conversation
- The Inclusive Data Visualization Project
- Tell by showing—case studies; blog posts
- Tools
- Link dump/Resource page
- Checklist
- Access—low bandwidth, no English
- Not seeing themselves in the data—gender, race
- Seeing themselves in the eyes of others
- “a sketchpad for people to say, ‘this is what I think inclusive data visualization looks like.’” ← as a sheet on the science project
- Who is this for?
- Practitioners
- What do we want them to do?
- This is what we know; what do you know?
- Mission statement
- Series of blog posts
- Research agenda (wiki?)
- Early ed. Curriculum
- Baseline data/graph literacy
- Exercises targeted to different cultures
- Treat data visualization as a core standard
- Post-secondary education
- Interdisciplinary?
- Different dataviz mediums and how they are used and understood by different groups
- most efficient engagement tools for different groups
Personas, use cases, context