=== Polarizing statements we used to spark discussion===
* Misleading viz for advocacy can be justified
* Misleading viz for advocacy can be justified
* Anyone, regardless of background, should be free and empowered to visualize data and share widely
* Anyone, regardless of background, should be free and empowered to visualize data and share widely
* Only rigorous statistical inference should be visualized at all
* Only rigorous statistical inference should be visualized at all
=== Other statements ===
=== Other polarizing statements ===
* Dataviz should provoke empathy/concern
* Dataviz should provoke empathy/concern
* It's ok to simplify data in visualization
* It's ok to simplify data in visualization
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: MWExceptionHandler::rollbackMasterChangesAndLog(): Argument #1 ($e) must be of type Exception, Error given, called in /domains/responsibledata.io/wiki/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php on line 137 and defined in /domains/responsibledata.io/wiki/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php:111
Stack trace:
#0 /domains/responsibledata.io/wiki/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php(137): MWExceptionHandler::rollbackMasterChangesAndLog(Object(Error))
#1 [internal function]: MWExceptionHandler::handle(Object(Error))
#2 {main}
thrown in /domains/responsibledata.io/wiki/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php on line 111